This Bitter Sweet Thing

Ambionic sound installation and programmed lights
6 minutes, 28 seconds
‘This Bitter Sweet Thing’ delves into the complexities of the human condition, blending light and sound to offer a nuanced experience.

At its core, ‘This Bitter Sweet Thing’ is a visceral encounter that unfolds in layers of sensory exploration, beginning with a soundscape that envelops the audience in total darkness for the first 6 minutes. This intentional sensory deprivation, echoing themes of the Light and Space Movement, draws parallels to the existential voids that we navigate during our lives, inviting us to meditate on the conflicts of modern life.

‘This Bitter Sweet Thing’ encourages introspection, inviting viewers to explore the intricacies of their relationships with themselves and the world around them. It serves as a mirror, reflecting the consequences of our choices and actions, prompting us to contemplate our vulnerabilities.

Supported by Arts Council Korea, the work has previously been exhibited at IRCAM, Centre Pompidou in Paris and the Iklectik Art Lab in London.

Available to listen to here

© Thomas Bugg 2023 → ∞